Nippon Paint PYLOX Aerosol Spray Paint
Nippon Paint PYLOX Aerosol Spray Paint is so versatile, it can be used anywhere and everywhere on wood, metal, paper and other surfaces – indoor or outdoor. Application is quick and easy. Its beautiful, gloss finish comes in an exciting selection of new and fashionable colours. Solid, metallic, pearl, fluorescent, hammer colour and high heat types are available for your choices.
立邦派樂士PYLOX手噴漆,用途廣泛,適用於室內或戶外的鐵器,木器製品,工業設備,家居裝飾,廣告製品等。用法方便簡單,並備有超過一百種亮麗顏色包括純色、金屬色, 珍珠色及螢光色, 錘紋色及耐高溫漆以供選擇。
•An exciting selection of new and fashionable colours available
•Durable colour and excellent colour uniformity
•Good adhesion over various substrates; no drips come down easily.
•Ozone-friendly; Environment-safe (CFC-free)
•Fulfil the requirement of ROHS.
•Hammer Colours: Excellent rugged hammer effect can cover up the rough surface on metal.
•High Heat: Heat resistant up to 600 ˚C, durable and suitable for substrates with high-temperature, like chimney, exhaust pie etc.
•耐高溫:耐高溫達600 ˚C,不易褪色及剝落,適用於煙囪、排氣管等高溫表面。
Theoretical Coverage: 0.6-1.2 (m2/bottle/coat)
No of Coat Recommended: 2 coats
Drying Time - Touch dry: At least 3 to 5 minutes
Drying Time - Recoating: At least 10 minutes
Packing: 300cc & 400cc
Finish: Gloss, Matt
Colour: Total 102 colors (60 solid colours, 28 metallic colours, 4 hammer colours, 2 high heat colours, 5 pearl colours, 6 fluorescent colours and 2 special colours)
*The information given applies to the product and its performance under specific test conditions. The actual data may vary slightly depending on the application conditions, methods, and surface conditions.
理論覆蓋值: 0.6-1.2 (平方米/支/層)
建議塗層: 2層
觸乾時間: 最少3-5分鐘
重塗間隔時間: 最少10分鐘
包裝: 300cc 及400cc
光澤: 光面, 啞面
顏色: 102亮麗顏色 (60種純色, 23種金屬色, 4種錘紋色, 2種耐高溫色, 5種珍珠色, 6種螢光色及2種特別色)
Nippon Paint PYLOX Aerosol Spary (High Heat Colours)
立邦派樂士手噴漆 (耐高溫系列)
Nippon Paint PYLOX Aerosol Spray Paint can be used widely, which is suitable for indoor and outdoor metal, wood, industrial equipments, household decorations and marketing products.
Hammer Colours: Excellent rugged hammer effect can cover up the rough surface on metal.
There are 4 colours offered by Hammer Colours serie.
耐高溫:耐高溫達600 ˚C,不易褪色及剝落,適用於煙囪、排氣管等高溫表面。
- An exciting selection of new and fashionable colours available
- Durable colour and excellent colour uniformity
- Good adhesion over various substrates; no drips come down easily.
- Ozone-friendly; Environment-safe (CFC-free)
- Fulfil the requirement o
- 色彩鮮明,美麗獨特
- 顏色豐富,色澤持久均勻
- 附著力極佳,噴漆不易滴漏
- 環保安全(不含CFCs)
- 已通過RoHS(電器及電子產品所含有毒物質限制指令)SGS測試
*Theoretical Coverage: 0.6-1.2 (m2/bottle/coat)
*No of Coat Recommended: 2 coats
*Drying Time - Touch dry: At least 3 to 5 minutes
*Drying Time - Recoating: At least 10 minutes
*Packing: 300cc & 400cc
*Finish: Gloss, Matt
*理論覆蓋值: 0.6-1.2 (平方米/支/層)
*建議塗層: 2層
*觸乾時間: 最少3-5分鐘
*重塗間隔時間: 最少10分鐘
*包裝: 300cc 及400cc
*光澤: 光面, 啞面
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