About Nippon Paint - 關於立邦
About - 公司簡介
Nippon Paint is the largest paint manufacturer in Asia, spanning over a century of history.
It is owned by the Nipsea Group in Singapore. Over the years, Nippon Paint has developed as the world’s leading international paint and coating brand.
Nippon Paint為亞洲最大漆油製造商,跨越超過一世紀,隸屬於新加坡立時集團,發展至今,已成為世界聞名的國際性漆油品牌。
Principles - 3個主要原則
The company has always adhered to the three main principles “INNOVATION, SERVICE, LEADERSHIP”, and is committed to achieving harmony between human, nature and society; looking forward to the future, it can be better and better.
公司一向秉承三個主要原則 「革新、服務、領導」,致力達成人類、自然和社會的和諧;展望將來,能更進一步。
Business - 市場業務發展
Established since 1970, Nippon Paint (H.K.) Co., Ltd. has a team of experienced sales and marketing staffs. Over the years, the company has secured a wide range of projects comprising private residential apartments, commercial buildings, heavy duty structural steel work, public housing estates and public works.
In 2019, Nippon Paint Holdings Co., Ltd. has acquired DGL, a leading marketer and manufacturer of paint & coating products in Australia and New Zealand. Nippon Paint Hong Kong jointly develop and promote with its leading brand, Selleys in Decorative Coatings, Architectural Coatings, Aerosol Paints, Automotive Refinishing, and Selleys’ products such as all types of adhesives, sealants, coating accessories, etc. Nippon Paint Group commits to develop diversified products to meet different needs of customers
Nippon Paint(香港)於1970年成立,擁有專業並富經驗的推廣銷售隊伍,經多年努力,由私人裝飾工程以至商業大廈,重防護工程及政府公共房屋,Nippon Paint立邦均被廣為採用。
於2019立邦集團成功收購了DGL (澳洲及紐西蘭的國際性漆油集團),集團旗下市場領先品牌 Selleys 犀利牌 與立邦油漆合併發展,共同攜手推廣及銷售裝飾漆、建築漆、手噴漆、汽車漆以及犀利牌產品如各類黏合劑、密封劑、油漆輔料等。立邦集團致力發展多元化的產品,滿足客人不同需要。
Environmental Protection - 注重環保
As a caring company, environment protection is always considered from the beginning of production process until the finished products.
Nippon Paint environmental innovative products not only protect the environment, but also maintain high quality which ensures customers to enjoy the environment and quality of life.
If you can DREAM it, you can PYLOX it!